Along those lines AL, I would think that if you feel you are being attacked, insulted, etc. then you have a responsibility to report that to a moderator. The moderator should then handle it from there. Each individual is different and there is no way a moderator can know how a person may be feeling.

I think that we all have joked, teased, prodded, some individual at times. I think it is all in good nature or sometimes it's a way that an individual just happens to write can come off as "huh?". For example, if I would do that, and the receiving party didn't like it I sure would hope that the moderators would let me know. But the first step would be that the complaint goes to the moderator, if that don't happen how can any reconciliation form. And yes, all this should be done behind the scenes, as I am hoping it is going on now.

Also, the more an individual posts, the more likely they will subject themselves to be in this scenario. We all know that Cecil is at the top of the list for post count. I sure hope he can come back, he has done so much good.