"So if I could keep my population in check I could have a some really nice GSF & BG & probably some hybrid BG or res?"

That is kind of my hopes also.

I've pulled well over 100 out of my old pond (probably closer to 150)with 90% being what appears to me as last years spawn at 3.5-4" long. They are not very tall or thick but man will they hit a #10 hook with about anything on it. After getting tired of putting real bait on the hook, I just cut off about a quarter inch of black plastic worm and that seemed to work just as well. Don't even use the reel, just use it more like an old cane pole. No bobber, just flip the hook out about 5 feet and drag it in at moderate speed or drag it along the bank a couple feet out in the water.

Seems like they "hit" better moving the bait with some speed. Like they don't even bother to check out what it is. If it moves, bite it. Caught a few on a bare hook, but success rate was way down, so they needed some sort of bait to go for it.

I just hope to get them thinned out enough so they don't hammer the BG and RES spawn quite as bad. May be a hopeless cause, but it was kind of fun tossing the line and pulling in a fish every few casts.


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