Originally Posted By: outdoorlivin247
I know that most of the people on this forum feel that cattails are the Devil...I have always liked the look of them and most of the things that come along with them...

I also introduced cattails on purpose, wide and thin leafed, and aggressive white lilies, spatterdock, coontail, wild yellow and blue water irises, mussels and ramshorn snails. Also red, yellow and pink hardy lilies. Corkscrew eel grass was going well until the pond water level dropped and killed a nice bed I had going. There are still some in the pond and Bill Cody introduced me to a Red Tip eel grass that should be in the pond but I haven't located any yet. The interaction between the pond plants is interesting. Right now I am watching Curly Leaf Pond Weed that we knows dies back in the heat of the summer but what I think I am seeing is that it collapses as though it is weakened at the bottom of the plant while it doesn't look like the leaves are dying. That's interesting.