The trap shown caught 6 BH in about 45 mins using 1 small can of wet dog food and 1 small can of wet cat food. I threw it back and checked it a couple days later and it had 26 more. I made another one and only used cat food in both and only caught 7 more in 12 hours. Next time I'll try it on the other side of the pond.

So far of all these fish we have only seen one CC everything else has been BH.

Today was my first full day of cleaning debre from the dam. Only got it about 20% clear.

I knew I had some larger logs in the water. Someone cut a few trees down and let them fall in the water. We pulled 7 large rotten trees from the pond. That job was no fun at all. They were mostly submerged and stunk. We probly have more to find. After this disaster of log pulling I have a renewed urge to partially drain the pond so i can find more sunken logs.

What's a good cheap easy bait?

Last edited by PaddlefishDreams; 06/12/14 11:16 PM.