Yes, please let us know how the trap works.

As an accident, I found out today a minnow trap can catch a lot of small bullheads.

I had a plastic minnow trap that had a fairly small opening and it would only catch mostly FHM's with an occasional very small BG. Decided I wanted another minnow trap and liked the looks of the metal ones so bought one from Academy Sports. It had a larger opening.

The larger opening catches a lot of 2-3" BG, which I did not particularly want as FHM was my target. On a lark decided to take this trap down to my old pond to see if I could catch some GSF. Had been catching a bunch on a #10 hook about 2' out from the bank and removing them. Put some pellets in for bait and checked it in about 45 minutes. Had 22 bullheads about 4-5" long. Put more feed and checked it again in 15 minutes. Had 4 more BH and one GSF.

Looks like i got BH's bad. Need to get some LMB in there before they get too big.

So if you have a minnow trap with about an inch opening, might try that and see what you get.

Last edited by snrub; 06/12/14 06:47 PM.


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