How far is your electric from your pond? Remember you can run tubing/pvc a long ways to get the air to your pond. You don't need to be right next to it. I know guys out here that are pushing air 800 feet or more.

I am not to keen on wind sometimes it's just not there for you when you need it most in the hot summer.

I don't know much about solar so I'll pass on that. I know it will cost a bit to get it running right. The good thing about solar is you don't have to have direct sunlight all the time to get it to work. Most solar panels will charge your system even when it's cloudy out. But when there is no wind there just isn't nothing you can do about it.

Some more experts will be along soon and may be able to help you out better then me.

Good Luck

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!