Well the last weekend was spent with family and friends out on our farm. We had a great time fishing.

Here are some of the pictures!!

This one caught the biggest fish, the smallest fish the most types of fish and set the current record for the pond!!

Here is my son working on his flyfishing technique. This was his first landed CNBG using a Briminator!!

Not to be out gunned by nmy son, I got out my flyrod and caught this little guy!!

Here is a few pictures of the second biggest LMB I caught. It weighed in at 3 lbs 7oz. I get 108% RW on this guy. The range was 116% on the high end and the runt of the day was 106% RW. As allen said, it is rewarding to see the fruits of your labor panning out!!!

Now its time to really hit it and see what we have in the pond.

Per our plan, All CC and BCP were pulled from the pond. So far, there have not been any LMB this season under 100% RW so I might up limit and start removing some of the LMB anyway to control numbers.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%