Hey Coupe,

Yes your are thinking straight, but and there is always a but:) I also have a lot of FHM's in my pond for the smaller bass to eat as well. So they are not just eating BG all the time. And I have a lot of frogs may flies, I even have some crayfish. So they do have other stuff to eat. Plus remember a 8 inch bass can eat a 2 inch BG. You are correct in thinking that you do need all size type fish. They don't have to be BG only but yes you need to somehow support your smaller bass class if you have them. Also keep in mind mature BG's that are 7 plus inches can have up to 35,000 eggs in a summer. Just 1 BG. So that's a LOT of babies!! Of course if I were to catch any of the smaller 8 inch bass I would cull them because I know I am not going to catch them all! Then you can always check RW's once you do some culling.

RW's of your LMB is SOOOOO important and it doesn't take but about 30 seconds to get it if you have the chart! I have one on my phone so I can pull it up right away. Just remember getting RW's of your LMB when they are full of eggs can be misleading. Most guys will tell you to wait a few weeks after you know for sure spawning is done to get an actual weight true weight.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!