New here but excited to get some feedback.

I live in south Alabama and Last year built about 1 3/4 acres pond in my back yard. Stocked it with 2,000 (70% coppernose,20% bluegill, and 10% shellcracker) bream and 6,000 fat heads in January 13. Pond has had a feeder on it since day one that feeds twice a day Nov-Mar and twice a day the rest of the year. I fertilize with 10-52-4 powdered fertilizer and put 6 tons of lime in this past January. Bream are grwoing very good with some that I can hardly put my hand around. I stocked 120 tiger bass in June of last year and they are probably an avg size of 12 inches now.

My question is should I harvest some of my bream ( we have kept about 30 bulls since early spring for a couple of meals) and if so what should I harvest.

I built this pond so that my son (6) could go out and catch bass in the back yard any time he wants....I am not looking for giant bass but would like to maybe one day have an avg bass size close to 3#'s.

Input appreciated