OK here goes, the PH on 2-26-13 was 7.6-slightly alkaline is what the test shows. the test recommended high phosphorus fertilizer and the co-op said a 2-37-11 would be in line with the test report.
RC, I planted wheat the first spring after the dirt was moved and it barely grew. barely meaning when my big field was planted the same time, it was full of it. Grew like crazy in the field but not around the pond.
Dono, I'll check into that grass.
Al, the sod I bought was from one of the biggest sod farms around me. I put some of it around the new house where I had some bare spots and it was green in 2 weeks with less watering. and "dumbing it down" is about the only way I can understand it !

thanks guys for the replies. I'm almost to the point of giving up but that ain't my style!

It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?
Ronald Reagan
The good Brian