Just joined the forum and was searching for past post related tot my questions below but didn't find any.

I'm wondering if any one has experience constructing a smaller pond in front of the main pond. The purpose of the small pond would be to catch sediment and in the event of big rain falls divert the flow around the main pond through an overflow spillway channel. Basically I would have to build two dams. I have a drainage area of 250 acres or so and a constant flowing small stream. My intent would be to have a slanted PVC feeding the large pond from the sediment pond and then the typical "L" shaped drain at t he dam of the larger pond. I was thinking of using a 8" PVC to feed the big pond and 12-16" PVC for the big pond drain. I can get huge amounts of flow with big rains and the diversion ditch would hand this. Looking for pointers. Thanks.