Originally Posted By: Rainman

The topic of this thread began asking "Tilapia Cost Questions". The answer depends! Actual dollar costs vary based on species, availability, order volume, transport and production expenses. those cost can be as low as $2.00/lb for a wholesale, 1000 pound order of food fish hybrid Niles that are virtually useless in a pond for algae control and/or forage production, to $40/lb for pure strain Blues that are custom stocked based on an on site survey, goal assessment and guarantee of annual goal attainment.

A better answer to this particular question would consider your particular pond, available sourcing, location and desired goals, then compare the cost of an annual Tilapia stocking to the seasonal costs of aeration, feed, chemicals, labor, etc.....you will almost certainly discover that at even the highest price I know of, $40/lb, you will spend less on tilapia that you would on "traditional" controls to attain your individual goals.

Very nice read Rex. Thank you for the time that it took.

I highlighted the one part above because for those that are reading this and only interested in what the cost is. I thought you really summed it up pretty good with that paragraph.