About 10 years ago I would leave my trap for a 24 hour period and would get crawfish and bluegill. The last 5 days I left the trap in for the same length of time and run the trap each day but only got one minnow and one bluegill. We are supposed to get rain for a few days but if the rivers aren't too high I will try to seine on two rivers that are more pristine and see if I do better.

A few years ago I kayaked a lake with no cottages on it and the map I had showed a narrow stream running for several miles with out any human build up close to it, because I think it was mostly marsh land. This narrow stream had vegetation as I picture a stream should look and I saw the first otters playing in it I had ever seen in Indiana. The stream was deep and narrow so that my kayak paddle almost touched both sides of the stream. Because it was hard for humans to get into it and with the area being protected for a long distance that the stream ran I feel this stream is what it must have been like all over Indiana a few hundred years ago.

The last two years pesticides have been sprayed in the area from an airplane for corn bore if I remember correctly.