Billy, I'll throw out a few suggestions while waiting for other more experienced folks to chime in.

How long has your water been murky now?

You can do a jar test which is to put some pond water in a jar, and just let it sit. If it clears up in a few days, it may indicate that your pond has some other function keeping it murky such as high winds lapping water up against the banks, or in other cases, large catfish stirring up the bottom.

If the water does not clear, then it indicates that you may need to do something to help the water to clear.

On a side note, could you explain what you did to clear the muck/sediment from your pond? IE/ did you bulldoze out the muck?

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."