Key words right here:
APHIS has determined it can safely remove the Federal Order as long as states maintain existing VHS regulations and other practices to reduce risk.

APHIS has this anchored in pretty deep, and doubt you will see the VHS requirements go away. They are also a major player in the contents of the Blue Book, and it has a section on VHS.

The "wild caught" baitfish industry is a different animal tho. They are just catching the fish and holding them for resale. If they test VHS free in MI, then they can get much higher prices. The fishermen will pay more because they can use the fish anyplace in the state, no restrictions, except for a time limit on possession.

Wild caught baitfish operations vastly outnumber the True Aquaculture facilities in MI, but they are a major player in this VHS stuff.

Most bait shops around here only sell FHM now. Not on the list, can use them anywhere, no gestapo papers and no time possession limits. Average retail price is 3 bucks/dozen, and you only get 12. Not 13, not 72, but 12!

A few wacky crisis plans have been initiated over the years at others expense wink Remember the concrete in the PM from yesterday.

Understand this tho. Some fish farms may use live feed at times for their reasons. They are not regulated on feed choices, but the major source of feeder fish "has" come from the wild caught wholesalers.

BTW, they are not lifting it, just backing away because they have it set pretty solid.

Last edited by JKB; 04/15/14 06:18 PM.