Update on muddy water. The gallon jug with 20 grains of Gypsum is beginning to clear. After about 24 hours, there was substantial clay sediment in the bottom of the jar and the water was much clearer. I am hoping it may clear a bit more yet. The vinegar has not cleared the water yet, but I am not sure what timeline to expect, so I'll continue to monitor that in the hope that the hay solution might help. My next step will be to try to get some better measurements on the pond itself to make sure that I am accurately estimating the volume. I live in a agricultural area, so I may lime the area around the pond and use gypsum or hay to get some quick clearing. Lime, gypsum and hay are plentiful and available locally. I'll post another update later. Thanks again for the replies and help.

2ac, 1ac, .5ac, .3ac,