Thanks again for all the great input. I want to summarize the advice and approach as a result of the discussion.

Note- current visibility is the pond per secchi disk is 30-36 inches. Water temp is 70 degrees at the surface.

1) Use tilapia for algae control. Suggested stocking rates varied; however, I would like to get fish delivered, so that puts the number somewhere around 40-50 pounds per acre. Most seem to have a minimum order of $1000. I have spoken with Pond King and Overton's. Pond King expects to receive their fish around mid April; others said early May.

2) Consider grass carp for pond weed. Found out that I need a permit for carp. Haven't looked into it yet. I don't have a problem with the amount of pondweed now, but perhaps fertilization would result in a problem, which brings me to:

3) Fertilization- I think what I heard was "do not fertilize". (Or maybe it was do not fertilize yet, or this year.) Seems I cannot/should not fertilize until tilapia and carp are in place. Given the timing of tilapia availability, it seems no one can fertilize until about early May. But water temps would say do it now. I'm a little confused here. Seems for plankton to help the chain it needs to be going when fry are hatched.

Last edited by flippinphil; 04/03/14 11:49 AM.

2.4 acre pond N Ft Worth/Keller