I received a response from the ODNR:
"That type of siphon system is known as a bottom withdrawal siphon system, It could be used in this case but needs to be properly designed by an engineer in regards to hydraulics and pipe forces. Also if you choose to go with abandoning the current spillway pipe system it will need to be completely filled with concrete grout to be considered safe and abandoned.

In regards to the open channel system I have attached 2 fact sheets about open channels. Your dam currently has a small open channel emergency spillway which could possibly be modified to act as the only spillway. The most important issue with open channels is erosion control, especially when they would have constant flow.

Again, any modifications of this nature would need to have plans submitted to us by a professional engineer."

I know a PE or two...however I don't know anyone who designs these types of systems. Seems like another major expense?

Last edited by cold1313; 03/25/14 12:36 PM.