I'm willing to bet there are a few remaining in the pool. I was using a little cast net that's probably easy to outswim. I think I'm gonna thin out the gambusia to give the good fish more food.

I've been looking forward to fertilizing the pond all winter and after some water tests yesterday, it looks like I'll have to wait another year. All the winter and spring rain has the water level up a foot or so. I think the rainwater ran through all of the oak leaves on the ground and re-acidified the lake. The pH is still at 6.8 but there's no detectable carbonate hardness.

I guess I'll order another load of lime and put it on land around the pond so that the tanins can be neutralized before they get in the water. I've also been thinning the laurel oaks.

Any thoughts?

Caught this guy yesterday. Good'n fat. I presume he's bulking up for spawning season.