The biomass is not the only thing to consider. The poo levels will also change your water chemistry if you over stock such a small BOW.

You should consider FHM to start as snacks. CNBG is the main forage fish in our area, and if you go with the HSB, get a really good O2 resuscitation tank. You will need one in our heat if you take long to land a HSB. They are a blast to catch, but mishandled, they die easily in the heat of our summers. And with a small shallow pond, there will be little refuse from the heat.

All that said, I am no expert on anything here. My ponds are bigger and deeper than most, so my experience is vastly different from yours. George is right, the HSB are fun to catch. David is also right about LMB, if you don't manage them, they will over populate and you will have a pond full of stunted fish. CC are fun and adding a few would also be fun, as they tend to be a put and take fish in small ponds.

The only advise I have is don't over stock.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%