Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Has there been any fighting or territorial behavior exhibited?

Yes, I have seen two very aggressive instances in the last two months. One of the instances lasted 3-4 minutes with two very "dark" colored males fighting over who got to sit on the sweet spot on top of a piece of wood. They flared their gill tabs and were pushing each other around pretty hard. It upset my wife enough that she went over and tapped on glass to put a stop to it. grin Once it was over the one that left the wood instantaneously went from being "dark" colored to a lighter creamy color, you could literally see the dark colored lines in its fins suck back up into its body as it went from dark color to lighter color.

I think there would be more occurrences if there were no FHM in the mix. IMO having smaller fish in the tank lets them take aggressive behavior out on the smaller fish rather than each other.

Last edited by Shorty; 02/28/14 11:15 AM.