Cisco, casting a fly rod is just one of those things that suddenly click once you do it correctly. I consider myself to be adequate, but if I don't drag the fly rods out for a few weeks I get fast and wristy. Both are bad. To me, it's almost like swinging a gold club. You take it back to a full finish, then accelerate to impact. George would be happy to help, but he'll stick your rod but in your watch band if you do it wrong. Believe me, I know.

Keith, fishing rods of any kind are one of the most personal decisions you can make. I have "cheap" rods that I love, and more expensive ones that I don't. Cabelas is great about letting you try rods, so I might to that first. I knew exactly what I wanted, and was adamant about it, until I got it. The parabolic bend to the extremely fast taper are all out there. Try to cast a few, then go with what feels right.