When Wallace Fish Farms delivered my LMB and CC I mentioned that some people said CC could get hook shy and to not return them to the water.

He just kind of smiled and said "oh you can catch them" and did not comment any more like he did not think it was a big deal.

I don't know one way or the other, just commenting that there seems to be different opinions.

Only fishing I can remember as a kid for catfish was either for Bullheads at night in the local creek, or staying a week on the river where my brothers set trot lines and limb lines. Usually caught Flathead catfish but I think they also caught CC. Can't remember for sure though. Sometimes Gar which they were never happy about. Just remember going out late at night in a small boat checking limb lines with carbide miners lamps on their foreheads. That has been 50 years ago though.

Last edited by snrub; 02/23/14 04:23 PM.


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