Hello Pond Meisters!

Thank you for the birthday wishes, I sincerely appreciate it.

Ricki and I are doing well. As with every other family, lots has happened in the past year. Fortunately most of it was good.

It would take pages of text (that no one would really want to read) to describe all of the events of 2013 so I'll give a few highlights:

Ricki had back surgery that went quite well. She recovered nicely and is feeling better than ever.

I've managed to screw up my left knee and am going in for an evaluation soon but other than that I'm doing great.

(The Bad, The Ugly and the Good.... aka the sequel to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Property wise:
The Bad:
Our property was burglarized yet again. The tool shed was broken into again and all of our fishing gear was stolen. The high security clasps and cut proof locks were ignored. The thieves merely crow barred the wood shed open.

The thieves also attempted to break into the Ag Building. They attempted to drill through the lock but were unsuccessful.

The Ugly:
The thief has been identified and is on the run. El Dorado County Sheriffs now know who he is (long story but he was caught with our Polarius Ranger and one of our game cameras) and he is a fugitive.

The Good:
We recovered our Polarius Ranger. The idiot thieves have screwed up the transmission, painted the entire Ranger Flat black, cut off the muffler and put on a "cherry bomb" type of muffler and took off the bed of the Ranger and replaced it with plywood. Fortunately the bed of the Ranger was recovered as well. The Ranger does run and drive but doesn't shift well. We also recovered one of our game cameras (the idiot scratched his initials in our game camera...I guess so no one would steal it. laugh ).

The pond looks dismal. As you all know California is having one of the worst droughts in our history. The pond is about half full. It's very sad to see. I have no idea as to the status of our fish including my beloved GSF. They have very little water to swim in at this point.

Anyhoo, that's a quick update, thank you all for the birthday wishes, I sincerely appreciate it!

Last edited by jeffhasapond; 02/18/14 10:37 AM.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)