Our church cancelled services this morning because nobody could plow the several inches of ice out of the parking lot.

We finally got out of our kitchen door yesterday afternoon after I took the digging bar out to break up the ice, which was over 2 inches thick in places. "Safe" ice melter and rock salt were useless. The pieces just made little holes in the ice. I thought about buying a long-reach air scraper from Northern Tool or Harbor Freight. But, the ones they sell say they need 10 CFM at 90 PSI. My portable compressor is only rated at 5 CFM at 90 PSI! Ain't no way I'm moving the non-portable compressor out of the workshop.

It has been snowing big flakes for about the last 45 minutes. I guess we can expect another couple hours of this. I'm actually glad it is happening. The snow banks were getting pretty ugly with the mud and gravel starting to take over the color and texture.

The areas I didn't plow have about a solid inch of ice on top of the snow. I opened the chicken yard gate yesterday, but the chickens and guineas went back inside the coop after trying to navigate the ice.

I haven't even gone close to the ponds. It is just too much work tromping through the ice-covered snow, and I don't really want to take the UTV or tractor to the ponds, only to find that I need to use several come-alongs to get the equipment back to its normal parking home.

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