Originally Posted By: David Connor
Im glad I made this thread 2 years ago. I had it in my head that I stocked 4 acres worth of CNB and RES until I read back in this thread to realize that I only stocked 1 acres worth. That could've been a big mistake. Im meeting with Overton Fisheries today to get a quote on the remaining stock needed.

David, I normally don’t post about anything I have no experience with, but I will make an excerption in this case.
I only can dream of having a 9 acre virgin lake with a once in a lifetime stocking opportunity, but I do have more than 10 years stocking and managing experience with Texas farm ponds.

Pay attention to what Overton tells you, but I will tell you what I would do with your unique opportunity.

First let me qualify my remarks about Todd Overton and Overton Fisheries.
I was his very first customer about 12 years ago when I first found him at TAMU negotiating for purchase of his fish farm. I wanted to stock Hybrid Stripers in our new 2 acre pond, against the advice of TP&W. Todd told me he would find some for me - the rest is history – TP&W now recommends HSB to stock in Texas farm Ponds.

Next step - I participated in early selection of CNBG brood stock, selecting the best of the best brood stock each year. Todd continued to the present date – IMO, he has the very best pure Florida genetics this side of the Mississippi River!

I have NO business interests in Overton Fishieries – just a good satisfied loyal customer!

Given your present opportunity, I would stock numbers of pure Florida CNBG recommended by Overton and let them grow out until pure Florida Camelot Bell LMB were available.

After first spawn of Camelot Bell LMB spawn, I would begin culling each and every one I could catch that did not meet my criteria of fast growth and confirmation.
IMO opinion you have an opportunity to create a world-class fishery.


Please continue to keep us informed with your project – it is exciting to an interested observer.
Good luck,

George Glazener

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)