This may be one of those situations where this guy has used this particular method numerous times and had no problem. You might have had the imperfect situation where the pond filled too rapidly for the soil to seal properly around the pipe. Had the pond filled slowly over time with rains and time in between, the pipe and dam might have been fine.

Sometimes corners can be cut and 90% of the time it works. You might have just been the unlucky 10%.

This is of no help solving your situation, but sometimes this is just the way things works out.

Hopefully you and the contractor can come to an arrangement that both of you can live with and get the thing fixed where it will not happen again.

The worrisome thing to me is the contractor trying to blame an obstruction of the pipe as the cause for failure. That is exactly the reason the emergency overflow is there. For when flow is too great or an obstruction covers the opening so the pipe cannot handle all the water. Should have not been anything taking out the pipe. Now if the emergency overflow had washed out from so much water going over it on a newly established dam, that might be understandable. But for the pipe to go without any water going over the emergency, that should not have happened.

Last edited by snrub; 02/04/14 09:37 PM.


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