Andy and Pottsy:

I've been very busy building floating docks, swim platforms and starting to rip rap the eastern water edge near the islands. This weekend I will create a floating dock path from the mainland to the most northern island, then connect it with the south island and off the south island back to the mainland. Question Andy.,..if I use chicken wire/fencing attached to the floating docks and into the water some 18" or so, this may help keep this area protected (approx 150' X 60' area between the island and the mainland) from the mouths of my newly introduce domestic ducks and geese??? Whats your thoughts and or other ideas...... I have 10 55 gal drums ready to fill with clay/soil mix and start some waterlillies off in this protected area from the winds on the eastern side of the islands, the waterlillies are just sitting in small pots along the water edge I bought last week waiting for some free time and a strong back....HA!HA! The problem, as I was waiting for this free time the ducks ate most of the leaves and flowers from these young plants,,,, will this affect their growth or is this a good thing as the roots will get most of the action for growth now or will the regrowth of the flower take up most of its energy????? Funny thing I have 2 established red attraction water lillies in this area from last year and the ducks don't really bother them? Thanks again for the info.
