as far as the poaching...yah, too bad you get in trouble for firing a few rounds AT them, but "your honor, how was i to know they were standing near that can i had set up there to target practice at, i mean...didn't they see the no trespassing sign?!!" actually i think the best thing to do is make a strong legal example of the first few trespassers you catch. get the game warden and the law involved, then get the word out the Mr. X pond owner means business, you better stay off his property if you don't have permission. or before the problem even starts, have a friend of yours tell his barber that he heard you caught some body on the pond, and they got all of their tackle seized, and paid a large fine and had to do community service...yahhhh, use the power of rumors!!! get that barber to spread that rumor, or your local liquor store owner to talk it up!! before you know it rumor has it that you patrol the pond at various times of the day, with revolvers on each side, and they've nicknamed you Josey Wales!!!! mark