Originally Posted By: Lovnlivin
Originally Posted By: jims place
Bad timing…our second polar express hit us last night and then on the local news this morning they announced the propane shortage is at emergency levels and prices are doubling. The fireplace will be getting a workout for the rest of winter. I feel sorry for the old folks that are on a tight budget.

I just called a local supplier and they're at $5.61 a gallon and won't lock it in. It'll be charged the current price on day of delivery. And as I stated earlier, it was $1.34 on 9-11-13.

I now have 3 infrared heaters in the house, and burning a ton of firewood in a very inefficient fireplace. Next year I WILL have a fireplace insert so I can actually get some heat out of the darn thing.

And even though I'm on a tight budget, there are many worse off than me that I wonder how they'll manage! This is awful!

When it comes time for you folks to replace your bulbs in your heaters don’t buy them from the dealer. They have a 3-500 % mark up, you can get them at just about any big box lumber store, the bulb wattage will be on the bulb itself.