Originally posted by LoopTech:
I just feed.. aprox. 1/4 pound... Just don't want My C.C to have nothing...
LoopTech, how large is your pond and how many tilapia did you stock/acre?
1/4 pound feed is just a spit in the ocean.... \:\)

We feed an average of 150 lbs per month per year on <2acres, feeding heavier in moderate temp months and less in hot and cold periods.

Having a 5 year old drought ridden, nutrient rich pond with the worse FA problem Todd Overton "had ever seen", with 10/lbs Tilapia per acre this year, cleaned it up in ~three weeks.
Today with full and flushed ponds - clean as a whistle...

Don't know about Duck weed - we have no aquatic vegetation problem, controlled with tilapia, grass carp, and goats to clean up water primrose and shore vegetation.

Same with 1/4 acre pond...

Personally, with severe vegetation problems, I seek advise from a quaified professional fisheries bilogist.
Good luck...

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)