JKB, I know I'm new here but I'm gonna have a friendly disagreement with you anyway. I absolutly can raise YP in my rig. I've seriously considered it several times but couldn't see any advantage to it especially since I prefer to eat the Tilapia. When you weigh all the pros and cons, its about a wash between the two. YP sells for more money but they take more feed and time to get them to market size. Tilapia are tropical fish and like 80 degree water and can withstand temps clear up to near 100 while YP like 70 degrees but wont tolerate high temps so even though they don't take as much heat in winter, you gotta keep them cool in summer and YP are more difficult to breed. You also have to fillet 3 or 4 YP to 1 Tilapia. I have no idea what you mean by "slow death" so I can't comment. As far as your belief that Tilapia are sewer fish, I don't see any difference between them and chickens, hogs or any other animal that picks through the manure of another animal. Just natures way of not wasting anything. Steve