Originally Posted By: esshup
deadwood, look up "hybrid vigor". The potential is there for the hybrid to be larger than either of it's parents.

I think that may be true when talking about parent species that are of a similar size, e.g. a Liger being bigger than a lion or tiger.

I am not sure that is true when discussing hybrids of parents that are of disparate sizes. A mule isn't bigger than a horse. A more relevant example might be that a tiger muskie isn't bigger than a muskie.

Sorry to keep asking the same question/focusing on the same point. I just find it interesting, and the internet isn't forthcoming with data.

In any case, unless you want a big predator pond, I am not sure a blue/channel hybrid makes sense. They are more voracious eaters than either parent and are more efficient at converting food into body mass. May as well have a pond with Muskie, Pike, or Flathead. Perhaps they could make sense for a pond with an established Gizzard Shad problem.