All, Thanks so much, I had a great and busy day!! I got to go fishing for a little while, demonstrate my shotgun handling prowess to a few ducks, Look at tractors for a friend, and best of all, I got to have a great diner with my family!! Cake was also part of the festivities!! (apparently I am 768 years old to my children and I also had five extra candles on the cake representing our five ponds!! It has been a great year, I hope to improve on it this year!!)

Allen, That is funny, Georgetopia was 2 degrees warmer than moretopia and extratopia. I could also "see" that around the heater, it was warmer than anywhere else in the pond, but still it was 51.4 degrees which means I may have to go to Mark's forage pond next year for more Tilapia!!

Speaking of Mark, That is awesome!! Between the two of you, man did I laugh!! Your creativity knows no limits!!

Ted, I am going to have to add my big project if I want enough heat!!

Bill, agreed!!

Sunil, agreed. Man was I dumb back then!!

Love the cat Phil, that is how my cat would look if I took her flying!!

Todd, my aircraft type has an EFVS (Enhanced Flight Vision System) , so I can "see" through bad weather, so it always looks clear to me, even at night!!!

Hang Loose, I have very fond memories of growing up outside of Dayton down by centerville, man that was a different time, I will always remember going out at sunrise with my friends and coming back home around dark for dinner, man did we have fun!! Flying over that area still brings back those fond memories.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%