Was debating if I should hunt this morning but the wind wasn't up yet and it wasn't raining so I went out. Had a buck pushing a doe in front of me right at shooting light. The two fawns from the doe ran right under my stand. The doe and buck went south and never saw them again. About 7:45 AM a buck came through that I thought was a good 3 1/2 year old 8. He walked to within 15 yards and I stopped him. Right before I released he took a step causing the arrow to hit a little back. He didn't run off just sort of walked off to 50 yards or so and stood there looking around. After a little while he walked/trotted of and I lost sight of him at about 150 yards. I got down and checked the arrow it had good dark blood on it (liver blood?). I backed out and let him sit for a couple hours. During those couple of hours we where getting thunderstorms which washed the blood trail away. I went back with my neighbor to look for him. We walked to the last spot the I saw him and together we said there he is. He was laying dead about 30 yards away. Sorry for the long story so here he is. Not the biggest buck on my place and maybe should of let him walk but to late for that now.