Originally Posted By: blair5002
Cool project! I really liked your quad chopper video!!
What's the plan for aeration experiment?
Well it appears the flows so powerful that it expels all air because the flow increases over the first hour or so and the first 20 minutes you definitely get air. I already experimented with the aeration a little by opening the fill valve without the hose and it appears the flow doesn't allow the air to creep to the highspot.........I see bubbles almost instantly so I may try and put a tee towards to outlet and put a small airline into it with an airstone creating micro bubbles. The vacuum created by the siphon should pull air.....quite a lot of air if I use a 3/8" airline and this will be at the bottom of the pond.

My other option is just make a fountain on the end but I don't know if I'll have the press use I did when I was siphoning from over 100' of drop last year, I had a pretty impressive fountain when I used 1-1/2" pipe with that system but we paid the power company and this system we don't