Fascinating thread.

I know little about aquaculture or raising fish although I have spent literally hundreds of hours under the water over many years as a scuba diver observing fish behavior (mostly saltwater although a little freshwater). Mass spawning of gray Chromis is cool to watch. My wife is a macro photographer so that means I move slow in the water to not leave her behind and that means observing a lot of fish behavior that many divers that swim all the time miss. I hope my pond will clear up enough to get some underwater photos of my fish (no chance of getting wife in pond water after diving in the ocean for years).

Am learning bits and pieces as I pick this stuff up reading what you guys post. Redear seem like an interesting fish to me and I am wanting to get more in my pond. There were a few mixed in with the bluegill when stocked this spring but not as many as I would have liked. I was hoping to get some more this fall put in before the LMB get big enough to make them a snack. Not too sure if I am too late as I put the LMB in a couple months ago. When inquiring about getting RES they said call back first of November and we are almost there.

The fish cages and raising fish indoors is all a mystery to me but am picking up what I can. Maybe will give something a try next spring. Bought a seine the other day but have not tried to use it. Would like to see what is out in the pond. Maybe snag a grandson to help soon.

Anyway, thanks for all the good discussion and keep it up.

Have been feeding both sinking and floating pellets so hope some of my RES are getting their share off the bottom. About time to quit from what I have learned on PBF as my water temp is getting down close to 55.



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