Well I finally dug a hole. I have a small spring head up hill from my new pond that flows about 10 or 11 months per year. I estimate the rate of flow to be about 5-10 gallons per minute- so yeah its petty small. Last summer i dug a 6' dia test hole to see if it would hold water and it did! The creek finally dried up about a month ago so my buddy brought his toys over and we made a big mess. It hasn't rained since the day we excavated but im sure when The spring starts up again my water level will come up withen a few days.

Surface dimensions are about 30' x 70' and a max depth around 6 1/2''

I did a 4" poured concrete apron around a 16" galvanized drain pipe i had laying around, the back filled with clay and tamped it around the pipe.

There is a 3' emergency spill way for now but I plan to make that bigger when i do the final grading (theres piles of mud drying out everywhere so i can spread it without leaving ruts with the loader)