Darrell, I agree with Dave but I would not wait until spring because, as you know, the pondweed can get ahead of you in a hurry.

I’ll share our experience but not qualified to offer advice….

The conditions you describe match our experience the past year with a massive invasion of bushy pondweed.

We had previously stocked 4 grass carp that made no noticeable difference controlling the pondweed.
On the advice of Todd Overton in late spring/early summer, we added 10 more for a total of 7 per acre.

At this time I am happy to report pondweed is fully under control.
We do not want to use chemicals if at all possible and believe that grass carp stocked in the appropriate numbers are effective.

I would not wait until spring, but do recommend that you discuss the problem with Todd as to stocking numbers and timing.

Good luck – it’s been a bad year for pondweed with the hot summer drought period that persists. I heard on the news last evening that this is the 4th driest year to date in our area, since records have been kept.

Good luck and keep us advised on your situation.

George Glazener
N.E. Texas ¼ acre and 2 are ponds

ps: One more thought - tilapia will be effective for algae control – but only after pondweed is controlled. IMO dense and thick pondweed will hamper recruitment (is that the proper term?) due to shading out spawning beds.