Hi Esshup, Thanks for the additional info. Just to make sure that I understand. Is the 12" kinda a shoot for number? 12" or a little more with pond dye and GC/Tilapia to round it out, would work fairly well?
I do understand that "It Depends" but in general more night time to early mourning O2 reading and some possible surface areation might be needed if there is a good bloom.
As George said the GC and tilapia work well for him and would most likley help me as well. The tilapia last year worked great so Todd will have some for me next spring. If I decide to dye the pond for aesthetic reasons, I will keep the siski disk reading at 12" or a little more unless I am corrected in another post.I just do not want the little fish and minnows to have limited zooplankton to eat.
As most of us know we are looking for some balance, even for us who want a higher capacity and larger fish (me CNBG). I had just the right amount of tilapia(5) in 2012, with just a small amount of FA from time to time. The tilapia ate some fish feed too,so I do not want to over do them either. With dye I may only need 2 or 3 tilapia,if you see my point and I am understanding the concept here. I assume that the GC do not eat fish feed, but not sure.
I find it interesting the dye may work in a overall plan.
Thanks to you all for the food for thought and some tips on what to do "maybe" and especially what not to do!!
One of these days I may finally figure out how to get pics on this site easily with just a few clicks. I have tried a few times but I have no desire to put them on another site,size and all that to get them on here. Not griping,just sayin'.

Life is more fun with a pole in your hand.