Originally Posted By: mpc
Hi All, I have not been on with a question in some time,but I kinda have one now.
Background is last year I had fil. algae(30%to 40%) issue and controlled it at last with tilapia after trying to keep it raked out. Could not get Tilapia this year due to waiting too late and had a algae problem. I have not used chemicals yet.

I am really looking into next year because my pond will be full for the first time by next month and I can finish my stocking program. So here is my question on a blended approach to algae and weed control: Could one use pond dye to control light penetration to say 15 to 18" and the tilapia to help as well. Will the phytoplankton and zooplankton still do well? I do not fertilizer due to using a feeder and Aquamax feed,plus aeration. I have discussed the pond in other posts, but do not expect anyone to remember.The pond is at 1 surface acre,+ a little. Deepest part is 16 to 17 ft. Hold about 1.2 Million gals/6.5 acre ft.Total alky about 120,PH runs 6.8 to 7.0,TDS about 350 and other parameters within the normal ranges per most pond boss articles and posts.
I just cannot remember someone writing or discussing using pond dye (some) for a siski disk reading and then tilapia to help with what is left over in the shallow water areas.
Any response would be welcome or maybe someone has already tried it and can tell me don't worry with it and just use tilapia and chemicals for spots.

Mpc, I believe I recall your previous post, but not sure so may be repeating myself.
Our 10 year+ successful experience with “balanced way to try algae/weed control” for a N.E. Texas 2 acre pond is very simple and effective - Tilapia and Grass Carp, numbers based on severity algae/weed problem.

Get on the tilapia list early so you don’t run into the shortage problem again – as you know they are a magic bullet for algae control.
Grass carp usage with the appropriate numbers will control “weed” problems, some may advise for only certain aquatic vegetation but that has not been my experience
We do not use chemicals!

BoatCycle in Henderson is convenient to Big Sandy for tilapia and has a good reputation but I do business with Overton Fisheries in Buffalo.
He is a qualified TAMU fisheries biologist and offers high quality stocker fish as well as excellent advice.

You mention you have an aeration system - what type?
If a bottom diffuser system it will only de-stratify and circulate water and not prevent a fish kill unless you have a well to maintain water level during our extreme low water drought conditions.
Based on my experience, a proper sized surface aerator for a 1-acre pond will provide adequate O2 levels and good circulation and prevent fish kills.

I don’t see FA algae and aquatic vegetation control in N.E. Texas a major issue.
Good luck with your program.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)