Originally Posted By: JKB
Originally Posted By: gully washer
JKB, I have just about enough knowledge of electricity to be considered dangerous. So, I have a question. On a long run, such as the 700' in question, would it be OK to install a ground rod for the breaker box, at the end of the run, instead of running a 700' ground wire? If so, is there a downside to doing so? I may eventually run power to my tractor shed, and was just wondering.

You can, no downside, but you will have to treat it like a new service entering your shed with a main breaker type panel and all that stuff. I would want a main breaker anyway. May cost more for installation tho.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other, but check with your local code first. Michigan is really strict, and wouldn't be a problem here.

Not saying that it wouldn't be where you are at, but check first! Some States are nut's when it comes to NEC Code, and MI isn't one of them super nutty ones.

Thanks, for the reply. For some reason, I was thinking that it was best to install both, a ground wire in the run, and a ground rod at the end of run. I have a hard time grasping the concept of electricity. confused