I have a pond (?)in central Ontario that I have been digging for the past coupla years.Actually the past couple of Septembers. It is fed by spring melt and summer rain with no outlet. In May it is 150'x100' and 15' deep in one area. That area is now 1bout 2'deep and 30'x10'in size.I would like to introduce some kind of floating plant to reduce evaporation and increase the DO.I think that rooted plants are out of the question because of the huge depth changes over the summer but would like to be able to overwinter some cats for our table. By freeze up the water level is back up to 4-5' and native cat minnows have grown from 2" to 6-7" when introduced in May then netted in late August. What could I use besides duckweed? There are no water plants at present but as the pond dries out the swampgrass and native weeds spring up. Why not duckweed???