Glad you guys were able to take my responses with a grain of salt. I too, have ponds (less than an acre) that I try to manage for fish and want to keep clean. I do have 1 very small pond where I have duckweed that I duck hunt on. Side note, the bass live even though the whole thing gets covered up) I guess I just wanted to give yall a little of a hard time. We do agree with the problem of urban sprawl. I live about an hour west of where your swamp inside the loop is located. Any time I travel down 99 between 10 and 59 I just cringe. A few years ago that was habitat for all types of wild things and now it is just house after house after house. It brings me to tears. A couple years ago I saw a huge covey of quail right behind the Academy on the corner of 99 and 10 and now all that area is concrete. Good luck to all of you. Hope you get your pond free of duckweed. By the way, if you can raise the water level, the duckweed will float right over the dam.