Kelly, yah I know that in one respect I'm lucky for the cool climate because it does hamper some invasive species both plant and animal. I commented on the depth because it appeared to me that a large area had rooted emergent vegetation which may be caused by the pond being too shallow. I obviously don't understand the problems you guys face down south. I do use chemicals where I really need them but yes I try to minimize it because of environmental and safety concerns. I didn't mean to pass any judgement on other people using them, that's their call. If I had your situation I'd probably do the same. I can use the excercise so I go ahead and do it by hand. But even though I'm not totally against chemicals I also am somewhat distrustful of anyone who tells me don't worry about it. We can do all the testing we want but we'll never know the total impact a chemical is having on us and the environment. Look at how often things are tested and called safe only to have a problem pop up months or years later. I'm not a tree hugger by any means but I don't want to take any chance of poisoning my own land or pond so I prefer to minimize chemical use.

Gotta get back to fishin!