FlightControl® PLUS: LABEL
1.Anti-feedant (consequence): Geese experience a temporary but very effective digestive irritation, usually within 20 minutes, when they eat turf treated with FlightControl® PLUS.
2.Visual Warning (threat): Geese have four retinal cones (unlike humans, who have three) and have the unique ability to recognize FlightControl® PLUS in the ultraviolet light spectrum in addition to the visible light spectrum in which humans see. The appearance of turf treated with FlightControl® PLUS is unnatural and, once conditioned to the digestive reaction, the visual signal of the treated turf provides a warning to the geese not to eat the turf.

Studies have shown that birds will refuse to eat food treated with the active ingredient in FlightControl® PLUS once they are conditioned.
Treated turf appears natural when viewed by humans.
Treated turf appears speckled when viewed by geese in the UV spectrum.

What will the geese do after I treat my turf with FlightControl® PLUS?

•Geese will sample the area. They may react by shaking their heads, drinking water, pecking at their bellies and rubbing their necks. (20 minutes for response time).
•As the geese sample, the conditioning process begins.
•Geese will not die as a result of eating FlightControl® PLUS.
•They may feed several times, drinking in between, while being conditioned to respond.
•Geese will learn that a treated area is not a good place to feed.
•Geese have no choice but to find an alternative food source. This conditioning usually takes one to two days.
•New droppings should decrease, and existing droppings will continue to age if allowed to remain in the drop zone turf, turning white with age.

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