If you have a good solid growth of Floating Heart, you're in for a thrill. I've been eradicating this evil weed all summer on my 1 acre pond. Glyphosate does a good job initially, but what remains beneath the surface will continue to reappear and spot treatments will probably be necessary. I have been removing the long stems with a hand cutter and rake, and also a home made floating wire seine (it works great). The problem with Floating Heart, and other invasive plants of this type, is that a small piece of leaf and stem will develop into a new plant. The removal, at least for me, is very labor intensive. It may not be that difficult on your small pond. If it is not totally removed, you will have to keep on top of it on a regular basis. The surface will clear in the winter, but once it warms up, it can easily take over a small pond and choke it to death. Good luck. I'm about 3/4 finished with my eradication. It's been a good workout, but my water looks better than it has in two years and the fish are fine.