Now that I've had a shower and can think clearly, I realize that there are individuals here on the forum who will be unable to simply refer to all lepomids as perch.....poor devils, I was much the same way before ewest's wretchedly heartbreaking-but-undoubtedly-well-researched post finally made me realize the utter futility of trying to classify these fish with any hope of accuracy. So, in an effort to appease those who feel the need to differentiate the various types of Brim, I will make the following concessions.


BG, all subspecies, to be referred to as "Regular Brim"
GSF, will be "Largemouth Brim"
HBG, will be known as "Improved Brim". "Magnum Brim" was a close second.
RES, shall assume the name "Gussied up Brim"
PS.... In an effort to avoid offending those with delicate sensibilities, I have deliberately avoided any references that might be be deemed socially unacceptable, or politically incorrect.....Instead I will simply go with "Confused Brim".

"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"

If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1)
And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1)
Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT?
PB answer: It depends.