
I have already taken all of the BG out of the tank except the male. I will take him out once the fry start to swim.

I have no filtration in this indoor tank. It's circulated by air stones. I have a bag of substrate hanging in the far corner (under an air stone) for extra surface area. I vacuum the tank every few weeks at which time I do a 50-70% water change with my 1500 gallon outdoor aquaponics system. I just did this a week ago when i removed the original "male". The glass also gets bad brown algae buildup but i brush it off with a magnet brush every few days. The brushing causes the water to get cloudy for a a day then it all settles out. I dont remove the particles so they must still be in there somewhere. I didnt show the terra cotta pots but they are mostly covered with brown algae. I think there's more microbial life than at first glance.

I *did* have a good algae bloom in my outdoor 800 gallon ferrocement tank but my tilapia fry (look more like fingerlings now) took less than a week to filter most of it out. It still has a greenish tint so i added a couple of gallons to the indoor tank today to try to get some algae reproduction started.

I also have a clogging problem in one of my grow beds where the water stands above the substrate.. it has developed a thick moss covering along with snails and little tiny jumping insects. I scooped a couple of cups of that mess and added it to the aquarium as well. I dont expect the fry to be able to eat the insects, snails or moss right away, but there's a whole tiny ecosystem happening there.

With my tilapia fry i have kept hundreds alive in a 55 gallon aquariums off of pulverized fish food and algae wafers (the algae waffer breaks down and starts to come apart in very tiny pieces and they seem to be able to eat it) Granted the tilapia fry are probably 4 or 5 times bigger than these little guys so that doesnt mean i dont share your food concern.

Do you think they will eat yeast, like beer or bread yest? That's my plan b and might as well be a part of my plan a. Diversity is probably going to win here.
