Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
I know the Agent and have dealt with the Adjuster before. Both are good guys.

Dave, in theory it shouldn't make a difference but in reality it does. Having a good agent and a good relationship with your agent (let alone the adjuster!) can make all the difference in the world at claim time. I'm glad to hear you were satisfied!

And just as a minor "insurance lingo" correction, a true Replacement Cost settlement does not included deduction for depreciation whereas Actual Cash Value does. Your loss was settled on ACV (simply a technicality in terms). If your agent asks how much you want to insure an item for, ask how a loss would be settled so you're not overinsuring, then review it annually.

Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
I posted a reward in the local shopper newspaper and got both the stolen 4 wheeler and tandem axle back without them having to pay a claim.

Deeds like that are good for all parties involved and helps keeps everyone's rates down. I wish I had more clients like you!

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES